Ultrasound CPT Codes
Call 855-SAFE-RAD to schedule a radiology exam.
More CPT Codes: CT | MRI | Nuclear Medicine | PET/CT | PET/MR
CPT Code 76775
IMG 2832 or IMG 2836
Prep: NPO 6 hours including no smoking and no gum, however, may take medications with small amounts of water, fluids are ok.
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Abdominal bruit
- Follow-up from other imaging
- AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) screening
US Aorta IVC – CPT Code 93978 IMG 2834
US Duplex Scan Aorta, IVC, Iliac, Complete – IMG 8047 or IMG 196
US Endovascular Stent and Renal Artery Complete w Doppler (C) – CPT Code 76775 & 93975 IMG 505
US Endovascular Stent w Doppler to Eval for Endoleak (C) – CPT Code 76770 & 93975 IMG 506
Prep: NPO 6 hours including no smoking and no gum, however, may take medications with small amounts of water.
Time in Department: 1 & 1/2 hours
- S/P AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm) repair
- S/P endoluminal stent graft placement
Include contrast enhanced ultrasound study at radiologist discretion, if considered medically necessary.
CPT Code 76700
IMG 2810
Prep: NPO 6 hours including no smoking and no gum, however, may take medications with small amounts of water If gallbladder evaluation is not needed, all fluids are ok.
Time in Department: 1 hour
Includes liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, limited views of kidneys, proximal aorta
and IVC (inferior vena cava)
Typically, this exam is ordered if a comprehensive evaluation of the upper abdomen is desired.
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Abnormal liver function tests
CPT Code 76705
IMG 2816
Prep: NPO 6 hours including no smoking and no gum, however, may take medications with small amounts of water.
No Prep for a 4-quadrant survey for ascites check
Time in Department: 1 hour
Indications same as Abdomen Complete – see above list
This limited exam is typically ordered as a follow-up exam where the focus is to evaluate a single organ or quadrant (right upper quadrant or the left upper quadrant)
This exam is ordered when a 4-quadrant survey for ascites check is desired.
Includes single abdominal organ, right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, or 4-quadrant survey (for ascites check).
- Gallstones
- Hepatitis
- Hepatomegaly
- Focal lesions Include contrast enhanced ultrasound study at radiologist discretion, if
- considered medically necessary.
- Splenomegaly
- Follow-up to other imaging
US IVC – CPT Code 76775 IMG 2835
IVC Filter Evaluation – CPT Code 76775 & 93979 IMG 2835
US Aorta IVC – CPT Code 93978 IMG 2834
US Duplex Scan Aorta, IVC, Iliac, Complete – IMG 8047 or IMG 196
Prep: NPO 6 hours including no smoking and no gum, however, may take medications with small amounts of water.
Time in Department: 1 & 1/2 hours
- Bilateral lower extremity swelling
- IVC thrombosis
CPT Code 76770
IMG 2827
Prep: Full Bladder (patient should drink 24-32 oz. of water 1 hour before exam and should not empty bladder before exam)
Time in Department: 1 hour
Includes bilateral kidneys and bladder
- ARF (acute renal failure)
- Kidney stone
- CRI (chronic renal insufficiency)
- Flank pain
- Hematuria
- Prostatomegaly or bladder outlet obstruction (when renal evaluation is needed)
CPT Code 76775
IMG 2837
Prep: Full Bladder (patient should drink 24-32 oz. of water
1 hour before exam and should not empty bladder before exam)
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Evaluation of focal renal lesions seen on other imaging modalities
- Renal Transplant evaluation without doppler or used in conjunction with contrast or elastography
CPT Code 93975
IMG 2878
CPT Code 93975 & 76705
IMG 496
Prep: NPO 6 hours including no smoking and no gum, however, may take medications with small amounts of water.
Time in Department: 1 & 1/2 hours
Additionally, please order an Abdomen Complete or Abdomen Limited if gray scale images are needed.
Refer above for differentials
- Portal hypertension
- Portal or hepatic vein thrombosis
- Hepatic artery thrombosis or stenosis
- Pre-transplant
- Post-transplant
- Pre-TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic)
- Post-TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic)
CPT Code 49083
IMG 2789
CPT Code 93975
IMG 503
CPT Code 93975
IMG 2879
Prep: NPO 6 hours, may take medications with small amounts of water. All fluids are ok.
Time in Department: 1 & 1/2 hours
- Uncontrolled hypertension
- Renal bruit
- AV fistula
- Renal stent follow-up
- Tumor invasion
- Pseudoaneurysm
IMG 502
- Evaluation for renal artery stenosis
CPT Code 76776
IMG 2838
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 & 1/2 hours
- Renal failure
- Renal bruit
- Uncontrolled hypertension
Suspected transplant renal artery stenosis
Contrast Enhancement
Must be scheduled by BJH Ultrasound department (314-454-8885 or 314-362-2892)
CPT Code 76978 – Contrast Characterization 1st Lesion (this code will accompany organ code)
IMG 501 – US Liver w Contrast (C)
IMG 511 – US Renal Limited w/ contrast (C)
Neck and Chest
CPT Code 76604
IMG 2805
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Palpable chest wall mass
- Chest wall fluid collection
- Pleural effusion
CPT Code 10005
IMG 2918
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 & 1/2 hours
Order as Consult to Radiology for Biopsy
Thyroid nodules must meet criteria for FNA and have prior imaging in our system.
CPT Code 76536
IMG 2803
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Palpable neck mass
- Swelling
- Post-op thyroidectomy
- Primary hyperparathyroidism
- Follow-up from other imaging
CPT Code 76536 & 10005
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 & 1/2 hours
If known nodule meets criteria for FNA, and repeat imaging of thyroid is required.
CPT Code 76536
IMG 2804
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Thyroid nodules
- Follow-up from other imaging
- Difficulty swallowing
- Abnormal thyroid function tests
- Hoarseness
CPT Code 32555
IMG 8032 (left)
IMG 8033 (right)
CPT Code 76882
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Hernia (please specify previous surgical history in pelvis)
- Palpable mass
- Swelling
- Pain
CPT Code 76882 & 93926
IMG 542
- Pseudoaneurysm
- Pulsatile palpable mass
- Pain
- Groin bruit
- Swelling after recent arterial access
- AV fistula
CPT Code 76830
IMG 2720
Prep: None / preferred that exam date is performed on days 13-19 of patient’s menstrual cycle if possible.
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- Pelvic mass
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Uterine abnormalities
- Ovarian abnormalities
- IUD location
*No exams for fertility workup
CPT Code 76830 & 93975
IMG 2720
Prep: None / *preferred that exam date is coordinated with follicular of patient’s menstrual cycle if possible.
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Acute Pelvic pain
- Ovarian torsion
CPT Code 76870
IMG 2728
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Pain (acute or chronic)
- Epididymitis
- Orchitis
- Swelling
- Palpable mass
- Scrotal hernia
- Evaluating pathology seen on other imaging
CPT Code 76870 & 93975
IMG 2917
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Acute pain (suspecting torsion)
- Varicocele
CPT Code 76881
IMG 2731
Prep: None
- Shoulder pain – Time in Department: 1 hour
- Hip pain – Time in Department: 1 hour
- Wrist/hands for rheumatoid arthritis – Time in Department: 1 & 1/2 hours
CPT Code 76882
Prep: None
Time in Department: 1 hour
- Ganglion cyst / Baker’s cyst
- Fluid collection
- Muscle evaluation
- Palpable mass
- Single tendon evaluation
- Swelling
CPT Code 20611
IMG PAIN020 (bilateral)
IMG PAIN021 (left)
IMG PAIN022 (right)
Not all exams are available at all locations.