Breast Biopsy

Image-Guided Core Needle Biopsy

An image-guided breast biopsy uses a hollow needle to remove a small sample of breast tissue or cells for examination under a microscope.

During a stereotactic breast biopsy, your breast is compressed between two plates to produce stereo images to determine the exact location for the biopsy.

Using an ultrasound handheld device and sound waves, the radiologist locates the area of interest and collects a tissue sample for testing.

An MRI-guided biopsy uses a powerful magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to capture multiple cross-sectional images of your breast and locate the lump or abnormality for further examination.

Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA)

With FNA, a very thin needle is used to draw cells from the area of the breast that has suspicious changes in order to provide a diagnosis without surgical intervention. There is minor discomfort with this procedure, which typically lasts just a few seconds.

Surgical Biopsy

A surgical biopsy is a brief procedure that requires light sedation but not an overnight stay. A small incision is made to remove either the entire mass of suspicious breast tissue or a representative sample, depending on its size and location.

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