Training Opportunities in Translational Imaging Education and Research, or TOP-TIER, is an interdisciplinary NIH-funded clinician-scientist postdoctoral T32 training program. The expanding role of imaging in clinical care and biomedical research has resulted in the need for imaging-based clinician scientists. TOP-TIER prepares residents and fellow trainees to bring preclinical imaging innovations to patients and the practice of medicine.
Leadership & Mentors
Each TOP-TIER trainee has a mentoring team that is comprised of a primary and secondary mentor: one a clinician-scientist, and the other a basic scientist. The team also includes a peer mentor, who provides practical guidance in the transition from trainee to independent investigator.
TOP-TIER candidates receive vigorous and extensive training in translational research and an opportunity to collaborate across multiple departments and schools at the university.
How To Apply
Three T32 slots are currently funded per year. A fourth slot for a trainee with a mentor in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is funded by a Washington University contribution from the Provost.
You will need the following to apply for the TOP-TIER program:
• Completed application
• Copy of your CV with current publications
• Letter of recommendation from your potential mentor
• If your mentor is not currently a TOP-TIER mentor, please submit their CV
Please email all of the above to Program Director Pamela Woodard, MD.
All applications must be submitted on or before March 3, 2025.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please email project administrator Greg Williams or call 314-362-6213.