Sweet Moments At the Annual Holiday Cookie Exchange

MIR trainees smile around a dining room table filled with homemade cookies at the 2023 Cookie Exchange.

Mallinckrodt Insitute of Radiology (MIR) trainees gathered for an evening of swapping recipes and baked goods at the annual cookie exchange.

Janice W. Semenkovich, MD, associate professor of radiology and chair of the Radiology Resident Selection Committee, started the cookie exchange as a way to celebrate the season and strengthen the camaraderie of the women trainees of MIR. Nearly 30 years later, Semenkovich continues the tradition and welcomes current and past residents into her home.

This Christmastime cookie connection inspired program alumnae to take the tradition to their training programs across the country. Semenkovich says some former residents travel back to St. Louis and attend the party from as far away as South Carolina and Texas.