Neuroimaging Statistics Faculty (NIL-RC)
The Neuroimaging Labs Research Center (NIL-RC) at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (MIR) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor. We are seeking talented investigators to initiate and lead highly innovative research programs relevant to neuroimaging statistics and to collaborate widely with members of our neuroimaging community. Major research areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Large-scale dataset statistics
• Machine/deep learning
• Multimodal imaging analyses
• Neuroimaging meta-analyses
• Longitudinal modeling of brain and behavioral data
• Brain-wide associations with behavior, genetics
• Ecological momentary assessment
The NIL-RC consists of 25 principal investigators from 3 different departments (MIR, Neurology, and Psychiatry) and over 120 students, postdoctoral fellows, staff and clinical fellows. This structure provides a collaborative environment for diverse interdisciplinary research initiatives. NIL-RC investigators are pioneers in using neuroimaging tools (PET, MRI, fMRI) to ask fundamental questions about brain organization and metabolism, to explore typical and atypical development, aging, and neuroplasticity and to determine the neurobiological underpinnings of disease-related change in mood, motor and cognitive functioning. Our faculty also have expertise in the fields of precision neuroimaging, functional connectivity, brain parcellation and methods for understanding and reducing movement artifacts.
Qualifications for the position include:
• PhD, DSc and/or MD degree
• Strong track record of publications and success in external funding through grants and contracts
• Ability to develop and maintain a multi-disciplinary, rigorous and extramurally funded research program interfacing with MIR’s research labs, translational imaging facilities and WUSM